Friday, November 7, 2008

The SI Olympics are here!!!

The SportzInsomnia Olympics is a newly created competition that measures the all around skill and teamwork ability of some of the most hardcore members the site features. The SI Olympics is a one-of-a-kind event that is designed to generate comradery, unit cohesion, and spark the competitive nature in all of us.

2 designated Captains draft their teams from a list of available members. With their teams in place, Captains send their members off to compete in various events that feature competition in everything from debates, to trivia, to graphics, and then some. Members compete in each event with the goal of winning the event, thus adding points to their team's overall score.

Through a 2-week period, scheduled events are set to take place...complete with rules and deadlines for completion. Each event is hosted by 'yours truly' and winners are judged by a panel of SI Members who are not competing in the tournament.

The SI Olympics holds various competitions in the following general areas: Debates, Graphics, Trivia, Articles and Fantasy Sports. A description of the individual contests that make-up the competition in each general area is listed below.

. : DEBATES : .

Sports Debate: A designated member from each team will compete in a sports related debate featuring any 1 of the 4 major sports, to include collegiate sports. A question will be chosen at random and each member is given a point of view to support. The debating members will then be given the opportunity to state their case for an opener & then be given the opportunity to rebuttal their opponent's statement.

Non-Sports Debate: A designated member from each team will compete in a non-sports related debate featuring any topic related to life, liberty, government, entertainment, etc. A question will be chosen at random and each member is given a point of view to support. The debating members will then be given the opportunity to state their case for an opener & then be given the opportunity to rebuttal their opponent's statement.

. : GRAPHICS : .

Signature Competition: With pre-set parameters and a given render/photo, a designated member from each team will create a custom signature by a given deadline. Members are given the same standards and the same render/photo to use.

Cut Competition: With a designated photo, designated members from each team will provide a cut. The cut competition is judged based on time completed, neatness, and overall quality.

. : TRIVIA : .

Basketball Trivia: Teams will be given a list of questions to answer. Either as a team or using a designated member(s), teams will be granted points for every question answered correctly and bonus points for the team that sends in their answer sheet the fastest. Each team is given the same set of questions and to use their research ability or general knowledge to provide correct answers.

Football Trivia: Teams will be given a list of questions to answer. Either as a team or using a designated member(s), teams will be granted points for every question answered correctly and bonus points for the team that sends in their answer sheet the fastest. Each team is given the same set of questions and to use their research ability or general knowledge to provide correct answers.

. : ARTICLES : .

Article Competition: A designated member from each team will provide 1 sports related article on any given topic of their choosing. Articles will be judged on a number of areas to include: timeliness, grammar, content, entertainment, and creativity.


Fantasy Basketball Competition: Each team is given a list of players, each players' value, and how much a team is allotted to spend. Each team must fill out a basic roster without exceeding their allotted point total. Each fantasy team will then be monitored for 1 week and scored using the set scoring system designated by the Olympic committee. The team who has the highest fantasy points total by week end wins the competition.

Fantasy Football Competition: Each team is given a list of players, each players' value, and how much a team is allotted to spend. Each team must fill out a basic roster without exceeding their allotted point total. Each fantasy team will then be monitored for 1 week and scored using the set scoring system designated by the Olympic committee. The team who has the highest fantasy points total by week end wins the competition.

The key to winning the SI Olympics tournament is for Captains to draft a team that features members who specialize in one or more of the events hosted. Typically the most well-rounded team, that features the most dedicated members, will walk away "winners".

Though even teams are pre-set prior to the 'lighting of the torch', teams that lose members during the competition are forced to finish to competition short-handed. Prior to the start of competition, each team turns in an official roster that is final. Though members who disappear and the re-appear are permitted to re-join their teams, new members may not be added to rosters once the competition begins.

Leadership and instruction from each team's Captain is vital to a team's success. Communication and dedication is also key for a team's survival. Team's are highly encouraged to frequently converse and gameplan during the competition.

The dates for the Inaugural SportzInsomnia Olympics are Saturday, November 8th - Saturday, November 22nd.

-AE (SportzInsomnia)

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